I have chest pain and I'm sweating a lot. The pain started about 30 minutes ago.


Hi, I'm experiencing some symptoms and I'm not sure what to do. Could you help me out with some advice?

Triage Assistant

Sure, I can help you with that. Where does it hurt?


Well, I've been having some pain in my chest.

Triage Assistant

Does the pain go anywhere else? (e.g., into your neck, jaw, arms, or back)


No, it's just in my chest at the moment.

Triage Assistant

When did the chest pain begin? (Minutes, hours, or days)


It started about 30 minutes ago.

Triage Assistant

Does the pain come and go, or has it been constant since it started? Do you notice it getting worse with exertion?


The pain has been constant since it started, and it feels pretty intense. I'm not sure if it's related to exertion, though.

Triage Assistant

How would you rate the pain on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is mild (doesn't interfere with normal activities) and 10 is severe (excruciating pain, unable to do any normal activities)?


I'd say it's around a 7 or 8. It's really uncomfortable.

Triage Assistant

Do you have any history of heart problems or risk factors for heart disease? (e.g., angina, prior heart attack, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoker, or strong family history of heart disease)


No, I don't have a history of heart problems. I'm generally healthy and don’t think I have any major risk factors.

Triage Assistant

Given the severity and the nature of your symptoms, it's important to get immediate medical attention. You should call 911 now. While waiting for emergency services, lie down with your feet elevated to help manage any potential shock. If there’s no aspirin allergy and you have regular aspirin (160 to 325 mg) available, you can chew one as it may provide some benefit. Thank you for calling, goodbye.


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