I got some hot coffee on my chest, and now there's a blister that’s starting to look infected.


Hi, I'm hoping you can help me with a medical issue I've been having. It's been worrying me quite a bit.

Triage Assistant

Sure, where does it hurt?


It's on my chest.

Triage Assistant

Does the pain go anywhere else? (e.g., into neck, jaw, arms, back)


No, it's just localized to my chest.

Triage Assistant

When did the chest pain begin? (Minutes, hours, or days)


It started a couple of days ago.

Triage Assistant

Does the pain come and go, or has it been constant since it started? Does it get worse with exertion?


The pain has been pretty constant since it started. It's not related to exertion, though.

Triage Assistant

How long does the pain last each time? (e.g., seconds, minutes, hours)


It doesn't really come and go; it's just persistently there.

Triage Assistant

How would you rate the pain on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is mild (doesn't interfere with normal activities), 4-7 is moderate (interferes with normal activities or awakens from sleep), and 8-10 is severe (excruciating pain, unable to do any normal activities)?


I'd say it's around a 6. It's definitely interfering with my normal activities.

Triage Assistant

Do you have any history of heart problems or risk factors for heart disease? (e.g., angina, prior heart attack, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoker, or strong family history of heart disease)


No, I don't have any history of heart problems or related risk factors. This seems unrelated to my heart.

Triage Assistant

Do you have any history of lung disease? (e.g., blood clots in lung, asthma, emphysema, birth control pills)


No, I don't have any lung disease or related issues either.

Triage Assistant

What do you think is causing the chest pain?


I spilled some hot coffee on my chest, and now there's a blister that's starting to look infected. That seems to be the source of the pain.

Triage Assistant

Thank you for providing that information. Given that your chest pain is related to what appears to be an infected blister from a burn, I recommend seeing a healthcare provider today. If the blister looks infected, it is important to get a proper evaluation and treatment to prevent further complications. In the meantime, keep the area clean and do not pop the blister. Applying a clean, dry dressing can help protect it. Please make arrangements to see a healthcare provider as soon as possible. Thank you for calling, goodbye.


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