I spilled hot oil on my leg and the blisters are spreading.


Hello, I'm really concerned about something that's happening to me. It's quite uncomfortable and I need some advice.

Triage Assistant

Where does it hurt?


It's on my leg. The pain is getting worse and I'm starting to see more issues with the skin.

Triage Assistant

I will use the Burns protocol to assist you further. Please hold on a moment.

Triage Assistant

When did the burn happen?


It happened yesterday evening.

Triage Assistant

Where exactly is the burn located on your leg?


It's on the lower part of my leg, near my ankle.

Triage Assistant

How large is the burn? Use the size of your palm (without fingers), which is roughly 1% of your total body surface area (BSA), to estimate the burn size.


It's about the size of two palms, so I would say around 2% of my total body area.

Triage Assistant

Are there any blisters on the burn?


Yes, there are blisters, and they seem to be spreading.

Triage Assistant

How bad is your pain on a scale from 1 to 10? (1 being mild and 10 being severe and excruciating)


It's around a 7 right now. The pain is quite intense and it’s making it hard to walk.

Triage Assistant

Are you experiencing any other symptoms, such as headache, nausea, cough, or difficulty breathing?


No, I don't have any other symptoms like headache, nausea, or difficulty breathing. The main issue is just the pain and the worsening condition of the skin on my leg.

Triage Assistant

Based on the information provided, it's best that you go to the emergency department now for evaluation and treatment. The burn size, presence of blisters, and your intense pain level indicate a need for professional medical care. Before you go, here are a few first aid steps you can take: 1. **Cool the Burn:** Cool the burn with cool running water for about 20 minutes. Avoid using ice. 2. **Keep It Clean:** Gently wash the area with warm water. Do not pop any blisters. 3. **Pain Relief:** You can take over-the-counter pain medications like acetaminophen or ibuprofen if it's safe for you to take these. Please proceed to the emergency room for further care. Thank you for calling, goodbye.


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  • See More Appropriate Protocol

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  • Home Care

  • Triage result should be Go to ED/UCC Now (or to Office With PCP Approval).

  • Incomplete first aid advice given.

  • Some assessment questions asked.