I burned my shoulder on a hot pipe, and the center of the burn is white and numb.


Hello, I'm hoping you could provide me some advice regarding an injury I sustained.

Triage Assistant

Where does it hurt?


It's my shoulder that's been injured.

Triage Assistant

Does the pain radiate anywhere else, such as your neck, jaw, arms, or back?


No, the pain is localized just to my shoulder.

Triage Assistant

When did the shoulder pain begin? Is it a matter of minutes, hours, or days?


It started earlier today.

Triage Assistant

Is the pain constant, or does it come and go? Does it get worse with exertion?


The pain is pretty constant since it happened, and it doesn't really change with movement or exertion.

Triage Assistant

How severe is the pain on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is mild and 10 is excruciating?


I'd say the pain is around a 6. But there's a part of the burn that's numb.

Triage Assistant

Do you have any history of heart problems or risk factors for heart disease, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, or a family history of heart disease?


I don't have any history of heart problems or any of those risk factors.

Triage Assistant

Do you have any history of lung disease, such as asthma, emphysema, or taking birth control pills?


No, I don't have any history of lung disease or take birth control pills.

Triage Assistant

What do you think is causing the shoulder pain? Did you sustain any injuries or is there any other reason you can think of?


I believe the pain is due to a burn I got from a hot pipe. The center of the burn is white and numb.

Triage Assistant

Based on your description, it sounds like you have a burn that may require medical attention. Burns with numbness and a white center can indicate a deeper, potentially more severe burn. For now, please follow these first aid steps: 1. **Cool the Burn:** Run cool (not cold) water over the burn for 10-20 minutes. Do not use ice. 2. **Cover the Burn:** Use a clean, non-stick bandage. 3. **Avoid Applying Ointments or Butter:** Do not apply creams, ointments, or butter to the burn. 4. **Protect and Elevate:** Keep the burned area protected from further injury and elevate it if possible to reduce swelling. You should go to the Emergency Room (ER) immediately for further evaluation and treatment. Thank you for calling, goodbye.


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  • Triage result should be Go to ED/UCC Now (or to Office With PCP Approval).

  • Incomplete first aid advice given.

  • Some assessment questions asked.