I was caught in a small explosion at work, and my lower leg has severe burns.


Hi, I need some medical advice. I'm experiencing a serious issue, and I'm not sure what to do next.

Triage Assistant

Where does it hurt?


It's my lower leg that's giving me a lot of trouble.

Triage Assistant

It sounds like you're experiencing pain in your lower leg. Can you describe the nature of the pain? For instance, is it sharp, dull, throbbing, or burning?


The pain is pretty intense and burning. There's also some throbbing.

Triage Assistant

For accurate triage, we can treat your issue as a potential burn. I'll proceed with the "Burns" protocol to help determine the next steps. Please describe the extent of the burn. Is it red, blistered, charred, or white?


The skin looks pretty severe. It's red and blistered in some areas, but there's a part that looks charred, too.

Triage Assistant

When did the burn occur? If it happened recently, did you apply cool water to the affected area?


The burn happened a few hours ago. I haven't applied cool water to it yet.

Triage Assistant

You should cool the burn immediately by running cool water over it for 20 minutes or applying a cold, wet washcloth. This will help stop the burn from getting worse and relieve some pain. How large is the burn? You can estimate by comparing it to the size of your palm. Your palm represents roughly 1% of your total body surface area (BSA).


I'd say the affected area is about three times the size of my palm.

Triage Assistant

Based on your description, the burn covers about 3% of your total body surface area. It also sounds like a severe burn given the presence of blisters and some charred skin. This situation typically requires professional medical attention. Given the size and severity of the burn, you should go to the emergency department (ED) now, as burns larger than 2% BSA typically require urgent care. In the meantime, continue cooling the burn and avoid applying any creams or ointments until you are seen by a medical professional. Thank you for calling, goodbye.


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