I feel nauseous and have malaise along with constipation.


Hi, I'm not feeling too well and need some advice.

Triage Assistant

Where does it hurt?


It's not really pain exactly—I've been feeling nauseous and kind of generally unwell.

Triage Assistant

I'll help you with that. Can you tell me if you are experiencing any abdominal pain?


No, there hasn't been any abdominal pain.

Triage Assistant

Are you experiencing any cough or chest pain?


No, there's no cough or chest pain.

Triage Assistant

I understand. Could you tell me if you've been experiencing any cold symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat, or congestion?


No, I haven't had any cold symptoms like that.

Triage Assistant

Alright, if there's no pain and no cold or chest symptoms, let's consider your bowel movements. Have you had any issues with constipation recently?


Yes, I have been dealing with constipation.

Triage Assistant

How often do you have a bowel movement? When was your last bowel movement?


I usually go every other day, but it's been about four days since my last one.

Triage Assistant

Do you have to strain to have a bowel movement?


Yes, I've had to strain quite a bit recently.

Triage Assistant

Does your rectum hurt when the stool comes out?


It doesn't hurt exactly, but it's definitely uncomfortable.

Triage Assistant

Are the stools hard?


Yes, they have been pretty hard.

Triage Assistant

Have you noticed any blood on the toilet tissue or on the surface of the stool? If so, when was the last time?


  • See More Appropriate Protocol

  • Go to ED/UCC Now (or to Office With PCP Approval)

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  • See in Office Today

  • See in Office Within 3 Days

  • See in Office Within 2 Weeks

  • Home Care

  • Triage result should be See in Office Within 2 Weeks.

  • Incomplete first aid advice given.

  • Some assessment questions asked.