I've noticed pencil-like stools for the past few days.


Hi, I've been experiencing something a bit concerning and was hoping to get some advice or possibly speak to someone who can help me understand what's going on. Can you ask me a few questions to narrow it down?

Triage Assistant

Sure, I can help with that. To get started, can you tell me where it hurts?


It's not really about pain, but more about something unusual I've noticed. Could you perhaps ask about changes or symptoms I've been having?

Triage Assistant

I can do that. Could you describe the unusual changes or symptoms you've been experiencing?


I've noticed something different about my bowel movements over the past few days. Can you ask me more specific questions about that?

Triage Assistant

Got it. Let's talk specifics. Could you describe what changes you've noticed in your bowel movements?


Sure, over the past few days, I've noticed that my stools have become very thin, sort of like a pencil. What else do you need to know?

Triage Assistant

Thank you for the details. Let's start with a few questions to understand your situation better: ### Stool Pattern or Frequency: How often do you have a bowel movement? When was your last one?


I usually have a bowel movement once a day, sometimes every other day. The last one was yesterday.

Triage Assistant

### Straining: Do you have to strain to have a bowel movement?


No, I haven't needed to strain any more than usual.

Triage Assistant

### Rectal Pain: Does your rectum hurt when the stool comes out? If yes, how bad is the pain on a scale from 1 to 10, or mild, moderate, severe?


No, I haven't experienced any rectal pain when passing stool.

Triage Assistant

### Stool Composition: Are the stools hard?


No, the stools aren't hard; their consistency seems normal aside from the shape.

Triage Assistant

### Blood on Stools: Has there been any blood on the toilet tissue or on the surface of the bowel movement? If yes, when was the last time you noticed it?


No, I haven't noticed any blood on the toilet tissue or in my stools.

Triage Assistant

### Chronic Constipation: Is this a new problem for you, or have you experienced it before? If it's not new, how long have you had this issue?


This is a new problem for me. It's only been happening for the past few days.

Triage Assistant

### Changes in Diet or Hydration: Have there been any recent changes in your diet? How much fluids are you drinking on a daily basis? How much have you had to drink today?


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