I haven't had a bowel movement without a laxative for over a month.


Hi, thanks for taking my call. I've been experiencing some issues and I'm hoping you can provide some advice.

Triage Assistant

Of course, we will need to determine where it hurts before proceeding. Can you tell me where it hurts?


I don't have any specific pain in my body, but I am experiencing discomfort related to my digestion.

Triage Assistant

How often do you have a bowel movement? When was your last one?


I haven't had a bowel movement without using a laxative for over a month.

Triage Assistant

Do you need to strain to have a bowel movement?


Yes, I often need to strain quite a bit, even with the laxatives.

Triage Assistant

Does your rectum hurt when the stool comes out?


Not really. It's more about the difficulty in actually having the bowel movement itself. But sometimes it can be a bit uncomfortable.

Triage Assistant

Are your stools hard?


Yes, they are often quite hard and difficult to pass.

Triage Assistant

Have you noticed any blood on the toilet tissue or on the surface of your stool?


No, I haven't noticed any blood. It's just been very difficult and uncomfortable to have a bowel movement.

Triage Assistant

Is this a new problem for you, or have you experienced constipation before? If yes, how long have you had this problem?


This is a relatively new problem for me. I've experienced occasional constipation before, but I haven't needed to rely on laxatives like this in the past. It's been about a month now that I've had this issue.

Triage Assistant

Have there been any recent changes in your diet or hydration? How much fluid do you drink daily?


I haven't made any significant changes to my diet recently, but I do think I might not be drinking enough fluids. I probably get around 4-5 glasses of water a day.

Triage Assistant

Are you currently taking any new medications or any narcotic pain medicines?


No, I'm not taking any new medications, and I don't use narcotic pain medicines.

Triage Assistant

How much walking or physical activity do you do each day? Has your activity level decreased recently?


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