I need to manually disimpact stool every time I have a bowel movement.


Hi, thanks for taking my call. I've been dealing with something that's quite uncomfortable and I'm a bit concerned. What information do you need from me to help figure out what might be going on?

Triage Assistant

Where does it hurt?


It's not so much pain as it is discomfort. It mainly involves my lower abdomen and rectal area.

Triage Assistant

How often do you have a bowel movement? When was your last bowel movement?


I try to have one daily, but it's become a bit of a struggle lately. My last bowel movement was yesterday, but it wasn't easy.

Triage Assistant

Do you have to strain to have a bowel movement?


Yes, I do find myself straining quite a bit. It feels like I can't completely empty my bowels without doing that.

Triage Assistant

Does your rectum hurt when the stool comes out?


No, my rectum doesn't really hurt when the stool comes out, but I often feel like it's not fully coming out on its own.

Triage Assistant

Are your stools hard?


Yes, they are usually quite hard and difficult to pass.

Triage Assistant

Have you noticed any blood on the toilet tissue or on the surface of the bowel movements?


No, I haven't noticed any blood. It's mainly just the difficulty and discomfort with passing the stool.

Triage Assistant

Is this a new problem for you, or have you experienced constipation issues in the past?


I've had occasional constipation in the past, but it's become a lot more frequent and severe recently.

Triage Assistant

Have there been any recent changes in your diet or hydration? How much fluid do you drink on a daily basis?


I haven't made any significant changes to my diet recently. I try to stay hydrated, but I probably drink around six to eight glasses of water a day.

Triage Assistant

Have you started taking any new medications recently, or are you taking any narcotic pain medicines?


No, I haven't started any new medications recently and I don't take any narcotic pain medicines.

Triage Assistant

Have you been using any stool softeners, laxatives, or enemas? If yes, what have you used and how often?


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