I have constipation and cramping that has persisted for over a week with no improvement.


Hi there, I'm experiencing some persistent health issues and I'm hoping to get some advice on what I should do next.

Triage Assistant

I'm here to help. Where does it hurt?


I've been having some discomfort and pain in my abdomen.

Triage Assistant

Let's start by understanding the nature of your pain. Where exactly in your abdomen does it hurt? (e.g., upper right, lower left, around the belly button, etc.)


The pain is mostly around my lower abdomen and sometimes around my belly button.

Triage Assistant

Does the pain shoot anywhere else, such as into your chest or back?


No, it doesn't seem to radiate to my chest or back. It's mostly just in my lower abdomen and around my belly button.

Triage Assistant

When did the pain begin? Was it minutes, hours, or days ago?


The pain has been ongoing for over a week now.

Triage Assistant

Was the pain gradual in onset, or did it come on suddenly?


It started gradually and has been getting worse over time.

Triage Assistant

Is the pain constant, or does it come and go? If it comes and goes, do you have pain right now?


The pain comes and goes. I am experiencing some discomfort right now, but it's not constant.

Triage Assistant

When the pain comes, how bad is it on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is mild pain and 10 is excruciating pain? Does it interfere with your normal activities?


When the pain comes, I would rate it around a 6 or 7. It definitely interferes with my day-to-day activities, making it hard to focus or get comfortable.

Triage Assistant

Have you ever had this type of stomach pain before? If yes, when was the last time and what happened that time?


I've had some mild stomach discomfort in the past, but nothing quite as persistent or severe as this. This is the first time it's lasted over a week and affected my daily life this much.

Triage Assistant

What do you think might be causing this stomach pain? Have you noticed any specific triggers or factors that make it better or worse?


I'm not entirely sure what's causing the pain. I haven't noticed any specific triggers, but it seems to get a bit worse after I eat. Nothing seems to make it significantly better, though resting a little seems to help sometimes.

Triage Assistant

Do you have any other symptoms, such as back pain, diarrhea, fever, urination pain, or vomiting?


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  • Go to ED/UCC Now (or to Office With PCP Approval)

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  • See in Office Within 2 Weeks

  • Home Care

  • Triage result should be See in Office Within 3 Days.

  • First aid is not applicable.

  • Some assessment questions asked.