I'm experiencing frequent bloating and constipation despite increased fiber intake.


Hi, thanks for taking my call. I've been dealing with some digestive issues and was hoping to get some advice.

Triage Assistant

Where exactly does it hurt?


I wouldn't say it's pain exactly. It's more about discomfort. I've been experiencing frequent bloating and constipation.

Triage Assistant

How often do you have a bowel movement? When was your last one?


I have bowel movements about every three to four days, which seems less frequent than it should be. My last one was two days ago.

Triage Assistant

Do you have to strain to have a bowel movement?


Yes, I do have to strain quite a bit when I have a bowel movement.

Triage Assistant

Does your rectum hurt when the stool comes out?


No, I wouldn't say my rectum hurts when the stool comes out, but the straining does cause some discomfort.

Triage Assistant

Are your stools hard?


Yes, my stools are quite hard. It often feels like little pellets.

Triage Assistant

Has there been any blood on the toilet tissue or on the surface of your bowel movements?


No, I haven't noticed any blood on the toilet tissue or in my stool.

Triage Assistant

Is this a new problem for you, or have you experienced it before? If you've had it before, how long has it been going on?


This isn't completely new for me, but it has definitely become more frequent over the past few months. I would say it's been going on for about three to four months now.

Triage Assistant

Have there been any recent changes in your diet? How much fluids are you drinking on a daily basis?


I've actually increased my fiber intake quite a bit, thinking that would help, but the issues have persisted. As for fluids, I try to drink plenty of water, but I might not be as consistent as I should be. On average, I think I drink about 4-6 cups of water a day.

Triage Assistant

Have you been taking any new medicines or any narcotic pain medications recently?


No, I haven't started any new medications recently, and I don't take any narcotic pain medications.

Triage Assistant

Have you been using any stool softeners, laxatives, or enemas? If so, what have you used, how often, and when was the last time?


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