I've had a cough with green sputum and a fever over 3 days.


Hi, I was hoping to get some advice about a health issue I've been having. Could you please help me?

Triage Assistant

Where does it hurt?


It's not really pain, but I've been feeling quite unwell.

Triage Assistant

Could you describe your primary symptom for me? For example, are you experiencing a cough, abdominal discomfort, cold symptoms, constipation, burns, or chest pain?


Yes, I've been having a cough.

Triage Assistant

When did the cough begin?


It started about three days ago.

Triage Assistant

How bad is the cough today?


It's still quite persistent, hasn't really improved much since it began.

Triage Assistant

Describe the color of your sputum, if any. Is it a dry cough or do you have phlegm (clear, white, yellow, green)?


I've been coughing up sputum, and it's green in color.

Triage Assistant

Are you coughing up any blood? If so, how much (flecks, streaks, tablespoons, etc.)?


No, there's no blood in my sputum.

Triage Assistant

Are you having difficulty breathing? If yes, how bad is it? For example, mild, moderate, or severe? (Mild: no shortness of breath at rest, mild shortness of breath with walking, can speak normally; Moderate: shortness of breath at rest, shortness of breath with minimal exertion, can speak in phrases; Severe: very short of breath at rest, speaks in single words, struggling to breathe).


No, I'm not having any significant difficulty breathing. I'd say my breathing is normal.

Triage Assistant

Do you have a fever? If yes, what is your temperature, how was it measured, and when did it start?


Yes, I've had a fever. The highest it's been was around 101°F, measured with an oral thermometer. The fever started around the same time as the cough, about three days ago.

Triage Assistant

Do you have any history of heart disease, such as a heart attack or congestive heart failure?


No, I don't have any history of heart disease.

Triage Assistant

Do you have any history of lung disease, such as pulmonary embolism, asthma, or emphysema?


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