My abdomen looks much more swollen than usual and I'm vomiting.


Hi, I'm not feeling too well and could use some medical advice.

Triage Assistant

I'm here to help. Where does it hurt?


I've been having some issues with my abdomen.

Triage Assistant

Where exactly does it hurt in your abdomen?


It feels like my whole abdomen is swollen and uncomfortable.

Triage Assistant

Is the pain constant, or does it come and go?


The discomfort is mostly constant, but the intensity seems to go up and down.

Triage Assistant

How severe is the pain on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is mild pain that doesn't interfere with normal activities, and 10 is excruciating pain that doubles you over?


I'd say it's around a 6 or 7. It's pretty uncomfortable and concerning.

Triage Assistant

When did this discomfort begin?


It started a couple of days ago but has been getting progressively worse.

Triage Assistant

Given the constant and worsening pain, I recommend you go to the emergency department (ED) now for further evaluation. Meanwhile, lie down and rest. If possible, avoid consuming any heavy foods or beverages that might irritate your stomach further. Thank you for calling, goodbye.


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  • See More Appropriate Protocol

  • Go to ED Now

  • Go to ED/UCC Now (or to Office With PCP Approval)

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  • Home Care

  • Triage result should be Go to Office Now.

  • Incomplete first aid advice given.

  • Some assessment questions asked.