I'm unable to urinate, and my bladder feels very full.


Hi, I need some advice regarding a medical issue I'm experiencing. Can you help me with that?

Triage Assistant

Of course. Where does it hurt?


It doesn't really hurt, but I'm feeling a lot of discomfort.

Triage Assistant

Can you describe where in your body you are feeling this discomfort?


The discomfort is mainly in my lower abdomen area.

Triage Assistant

Does the discomfort shoot anywhere else, like your chest or back?


No, it doesn't shoot anywhere else. It's just very concentrated in the lower abdomen.

Triage Assistant

When did the discomfort begin? Was it minutes, hours, or days ago?


It started a few hours ago.

Triage Assistant

Did the discomfort start gradually or was it sudden?


It started pretty gradually and has been getting worse over the past few hours.

Triage Assistant

Is the discomfort constant, or does it come and go?


It's pretty constant. It hasn't really subsided since it started.

Triage Assistant

On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being mild and 10 being excruciating, how would you rate your discomfort? - **Mild (1-3):** Doesn't interfere with normal activities, abdomen soft and not tender to touch. - **Moderate (4-7):** Interferes with normal activities or awakens from sleep, abdomen tender to touch. - **Severe (8-10):** Excruciating pain, doubled over, unable to do any normal activities.


I'd rate it around a 7. It’s pretty uncomfortable and has been making it difficult to focus on anything else.

Triage Assistant

Have you ever had this type of abdominal discomfort before? If yes, when was the last time, and what happened that time?


No, I haven't experienced this type of discomfort before. This is the first time it's happening.

Triage Assistant

Do you have any idea what might be causing the discomfort?


Well, I've noticed that despite feeling this discomfort in my lower abdomen, I've been unable to urinate. My bladder feels very full.

Triage Assistant

You should go to the emergency department (ED) now. Inability to urinate, especially when the bladder feels very full, can be a serious condition. In the meantime: - Lie down and rest as much as possible. - Avoid taking any over-the-counter pain medications like aspirin or NSAIDs unless advised by a doctor. Thank you for calling, goodbye.


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