I have had black, tarry bowel movements for the past few days.


Hi there, I've been experiencing some concerning symptoms lately, and I'm hoping to get some advice on what might be going on and what I should do next.

Triage Assistant

I can help with that. Can you tell me where it hurts?


Actually, I haven't been feeling any pain, but there's something unusual happening with my bowel movements that has me worried.

Triage Assistant

Let's start by understanding your symptoms better. How often do you have a bowel movement (BM), and when was your last BM?


I usually have a bowel movement once a day. My last one was this morning.

Triage Assistant

Do you have to strain to have a bowel movement (BM)?


No, I don't usually have to strain. They come out fairly easily.

Triage Assistant

Does your rectum hurt when the stool comes out?


No, my rectum doesn't hurt when I have a bowel movement.

Triage Assistant

Are your stools hard?


No, my stools are not hard. They have a normal consistency.

Triage Assistant

Has there been any blood on the toilet tissue or on the surface of the bowel movement?


No, I haven't noticed any actual blood on the toilet tissue or on the surface of the bowel movement. But there's something different about them.

Triage Assistant

Is this change in your bowel movements a new problem for you? If not, how long have you had this problem?


Yes, this is a new problem. It's been happening for the past few days, and it really has me concerned.

Triage Assistant

Have there been any recent changes in your diet or hydration? How much fluids are you drinking on a daily basis, and how much have you had to drink today?


My diet and hydration levels have been pretty consistent, nothing out of the ordinary. I usually drink about 2 liters of water daily, and that's been the same today as well.

Triage Assistant

Have you been taking any new medications recently, or are you taking any narcotic pain medicines?


No, I haven't started any new medications, and I'm not taking any narcotic pain medicines.

Triage Assistant

Have you been using any stool softeners, laxatives, or enemas? If yes, what, how often, and when was the last time?


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  • Triage result should be Go to ED Now.

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