I have been vomiting bile for the past few hours.


Hi, I'm not feeling too well today. I've been having some issues and I'm not quite sure what to do. Can you help me with some advice?

Triage Assistant

Sure, I can help with that. Where does it hurt?


I haven't been feeling much pain in a specific area, but I've been quite uncomfortable overall.

Triage Assistant

I understand. Can you describe your symptoms more specifically? For example, are you experiencing a cough, abdominal pain, cold symptoms, constipation, burns, or chest pain?


I haven't had any of those specific issues. I've mainly been having problems with my stomach.

Triage Assistant

Can you tell me more about your stomach issues? Are you experiencing abdominal pain?


I don't have much pain in my abdomen, but I've been feeling pretty nauseous and uncomfortable.

Triage Assistant

Since you're experiencing stomach discomfort, I'll proceed with the "Abdominal Pain - Male" protocol to help determine the next steps. Give me a moment to get the protocol.

Triage Assistant

Let's start with the assessment questions to better understand your condition. 1. Where does it hurt?


As I mentioned, I don't have a specific area where it hurts. It's more of overall nausea and stomach discomfort.

Triage Assistant

Thank you for clarifying. Next, can you tell me if this nausea or discomfort has radiated anywhere else, such as your chest or back?


No, it's not radiating anywhere else. The discomfort is mainly in my stomach.

Triage Assistant

Understood. When did the nausea and discomfort begin?


It started a few hours ago and has been quite persistent since then.

Triage Assistant

Was the onset of this discomfort gradual or sudden?


It was more of a sudden onset. It's been getting worse steadily.

Triage Assistant

Is the discomfort constant, or does it come and go?


It's been pretty constant since it started. It hasn't really come and gone.

Triage Assistant

How would you rate the severity of your discomfort on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is mild discomfort and 10 is the most severe discomfort you've ever felt?


I would rate it at about a 6. It's quite uncomfortable but not the worst pain I've ever felt.

Triage Assistant

To summarize: - You've had constant nausea and stomach discomfort for a few hours. - The discomfort has a sudden onset and is steadily getting worse. - You rate the severity as a 6 out of 10. A rating of 6 is considered moderate pain. Here is what you need to do: 1. **Rest:** Lie down and take it easy. 2. **Drink Clear Fluids:** Sip on clear fluids like water, flat soft drinks or half-strength Gatorade. Avoid alcohol and caffeinated beverages. 3. **Diet:** Gradually transition from clear fluids to bland foods. Avoid greasy or fatty foods. 4. **Avoid Aspirin and NSAIDs:** These can worsen stomach irritation. If you need a pain reliever, consider acetaminophen (e.g., Tylenol). Given your symptoms and moderate pain, it is advisable to see a healthcare provider today to rule out any serious underlying condition. Kindly visit your doctor or urgent care for further evaluation. Thank you for calling, goodbye.


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  • Go to ED/UCC Now (or to Office With PCP Approval)

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  • Home Care

  • Triage result should be Go to ED/UCC Now (or to Office With PCP Approval).

  • First aid is not applicable.

  • Some assessment questions asked.