I have a fever of 103°F and a bad cough.


Hi, I'm not feeling well and I'm a bit worried. Could you help me figure out what might be going on?

Triage Assistant

Where does it hurt?


It's not exactly a pain, but I have a few symptoms that are bothering me.

Triage Assistant

Can you describe your main symptoms for me?


Sure, I've been running a pretty high fever and I've got a really bad cough.

Triage Assistant

Let's start by addressing a few initial questions to better understand your condition. When did the cough begin?


The cough started a few days ago, maybe three or four days back.

Triage Assistant

How bad is the cough today?


It's pretty bad today. It's persistent, and it feels like it's getting worse instead of better.

Triage Assistant

Do you have any sputum (phlegm), and if so, what color is it?


Yes, I do have some phlegm when I cough. It's kind of yellowish.

Triage Assistant

Are you coughing up any blood? If so, how much? (e.g., flecks, streaks, tablespoons)


No, there's no blood in my phlegm.

Triage Assistant

Are you having difficulty breathing? If so, how bad is it? For example, no shortness of breath (SOB) at rest, mild SOB with walking, moderate SOB at rest, or severe (struggling to breathe).


I'm not struggling to breathe, but I do notice some shortness of breath when I'm walking around or doing any light activity. It's not severe, but it's definitely noticeable.

Triage Assistant

Do you have a fever? If yes, what is your temperature, how was it measured, and when did it start?


Yes, I have a fever. It's been around 103°F. I measured it with an oral thermometer. The fever started around the same time as the cough, so about three or four days ago.

Triage Assistant

Given your symptoms, you should seek medical attention immediately. A persistent high fever (103°F) with noticeable shortness of breath and yellow phlegm is concerning and could indicate a more serious condition like pneumonia or bronchitis. Please go to the emergency department (ED) now for a full evaluation. For now: - Stay hydrated. - Avoid exertion. - If you have access to fever-reducing medication like acetaminophen or ibuprofen, you may take it as directed to help manage your fever. Thank you for calling, goodbye.


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