Hi, thanks for taking my call. I've been experiencing some symptoms lately, and I'm not sure what to do. Can you help me figure out what might be going on?
Triage Assistant
Sure, I can help with that. Where does it hurt?
I've been having some pain in my chest, but it’s not constant. It comes and goes.
Triage Assistant
Does the pain go anywhere else, such as into your neck, jaw, arms, or back?
No, it seems to stay in my chest. But it's making me pretty concerned.
Triage Assistant
When did the chest pain begin? Was it minutes, hours, or days ago?
It's been happening on and off for the past couple of days.
Triage Assistant
Does the pain come and go, or has it been constant since it started? Does it get worse with exertion?
It's not constant; it comes and goes. I haven't noticed if it's related to physical activity, but I have also been feeling suddenly very weak along with the chest pain.
Triage Assistant
Given the nature of your symptoms and the fact that it's been happening for several days along with sudden weakness, it's best to seek medical attention immediately. I recommend you go to the emergency department now to rule out any serious conditions. Thank you for calling, goodbye.
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