Hello, I’m having some health issues and I need some advice. Could you help me with that?
Triage Assistant
Sure, where does it hurt?
Well, I'm mainly experiencing a cough, but there's something more concerning too.
Triage Assistant
When did your cough begin?
My cough began a couple of days ago.
Triage Assistant
How bad is the cough today? Please describe the severity.
It's quite persistent and uncomfortable. I would say it's moderate to severe.
Triage Assistant
Are you having any difficulty breathing? If yes, how bad is it (mild, moderate, severe)?
Yes, I am definitely having difficulty breathing. I would describe it as moderate to severe.
Triage Assistant
Given that you are experiencing moderate to severe breathing difficulty, I recommend you go to the Emergency Department now for further evaluation. Thank you for calling, goodbye.
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Triage result should be Call EMS 911 Now.
First aid advice was given.
Some assessment questions asked.